
Life Coaching Found Me

The only journey is the one within.

Rainer Maria Rilke

God has an interesting way of answering prayers. He will answers prayers in the most unique and surprising ways. Two years ago, I was at lunch scrolling YouTube and noticed a natural hair vlogger I followed was creating videos again. Needless to say, I was super excited. When I noticed the new videos had nothing to do with natural hair, I was bummed. Like, where’s the new twist out? Confused.

Since I invested in this particular vlogger in the past, I decided to watch a few of her “new” videos. After watching two videos, I was hooked and yearned more. I felt she was speaking directly to me. Instead of natural hair videos, Allison was making videos pertaining to finding the dream job and purpose. Not only was she making videos, she was offering life coaching.

 Ironically, I was on a journey to seek purpose and passion. I had previously entertained the thought of working with a life coach but feared the process. I feared being authentic with a stranger and actually admitting I felt lost in certain aspects of my life as a woman in her 30’s. After watching a video entitled, “Your Dream Job,” I felt God was speaking directly to me. He was answering my prayers. He was testing my faith. Faith or fear? So, I decided to put every previously read word from the Untethered Soul to use and I sent Allison an email inquiring about life coaching.

Sending that email was one of the best decisions I made in 2018. Allison was my life coach, but also a mentor. Her authenticity helped me in showing up as Sheba daily. We chatted about God during our coaching calls (with my approval) and she prayed for me. I gained so much insight about Sheba. I reclaimed power and strength that I forgot existed. I completely discovered my purpose and passion, but more importantly, I rediscovered me. I rediscovered parts that I buried to fit in certain environments because of limiting beliefs, because I simply felt defeated. I essentially learned that I always held the key to finding my purpose. The answer was there, but I had to invite authenticity inside. I had to unveil the many mask I wear and face the resistance I created inside of me. 

When I began life coaching, I expected to only explore my dream job. My passion, my purpose. I wanted to figure out my career life and move on. Instead, I gained so much more. Life coaching found me as parts of me were lost. And for that, I will always be thankful. 



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