• Inspiration

    Finding My Authentic Voice

    Finding your voice is similar to an infant learning to scream. You want to use it all the time. It’s intriguing, new and freeing. Unknown I haven’t always felt I had a voice. I haven’t always used my voice. To be exact, I spent majority of my life existing without authentically speaking. Sure, I spoke. I used words while conversing with other humans, but those words were guarded and filled with thoughts that were well received by others. I spent much time ensuring I was not rocking the boat with my words. I often replayed scenarios while thinking, “what if I had said this?” I was ultimately always left with…

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  • Inspiration

    Rediscovering Me

    I am proud of the woman I am today because I went through one hell of a time becoming her. Unknown My undergrad English professor assigned a paper with the topic, Who am I? Simple, right? To my surprise, I murdered the assignment. My paper was filled with blood red comments – Sheba, who are you? Who is Sheba? Being a mother does not define who you are. I proudly submitted a paper explaining that I was a mother. I shared how being a mother changed my life, etc. I probably even discussed being a student because that’s who I thought I was: a mother and a student. Needless to…

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  • Inspiration

    Three Things Quarantine Taught Me

    Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light. J.K. Rowling It all seemed so simple three months ago. I didn’t really put much thought into grabbing my keys and heading to the grocery store. I didn’t think twice about tasty brunch with friends or date night. Fast forward, I now keep a mask in the glove department of my car, I side eye people in grocery stores that refuse to follow social distancing and brunch and dates are quite creative these days and mostly take place at home. My quarantine began with many mixed emotions. My birthday trip to…

  • Inspiration

    Approving Myself

    Love and accept yourself the way you are today. Then step right up and take your place in the universe. Melody Beattie I like to start my day by reading a book I love entitled, Journey to the Heart. The book contains a short reading for each day of the year. The title for today was ‘What are you trying to prove?’. As I sat meditating on the words I read, I thought about my younger self. My younger self spent a lot of time trying to prove myself. Younger Sheba felt the need to prove a lot to the world because she carried the shame of being a young,…

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  • Inspiration

    Don’t Lose Your Fire

    The secret of our success is that we never, never give up. Wilma Mankiller  While scrolling Facebook, I saw a picture containing the words, “Don’t lose your fire.” Those words automatically spoke to me. I immediately began jotting down thoughts. So, I’m sharing those thoughts with you today. This post is really short and simple, but I felt someone could use this message.  With the year nearing the half point, many people have chucked the deuces to the vision board, intentions, New Year resolutions, goals or promises in the beginning of the year. Contrary to belief, now is the time to NOT lose your fire. I repeat, now is the…

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